STP Updates Perfect Classic model

German manufacturer, STP, has upgraded its popular Perfect Classic model.

The slide is now 5.4'' long (previously 5''), whilst still being able to fit in the IPSC Classic Division box. 

“Due to the top balance of the pistol, the revision not only looks better, it even has a better shooting performance!” says STP’s Viktoria Pohl.

The slide is now available in Duo Top design, like the company’s RM and TM models. The Magwells are also in a new style. 

“The pistols with the straight mainspring housing and the magwells with waves are the new Perfect Classic pistols,’ continues Viktoria.

“As of now available in Duo-Top design with two bevelled areas at the side of the slide. As well as the visual benefits this also offers a reduction of weight, which benefits shooting performance. Furthermore, there will not be any stability loss at material with the new design. Another benefit is the enabling of faster repeating.”