Liemke, a leader in high-definition thermal imaging for hunting and nature observation, is shipping its popular Keiler 13 Pro and Keiler 35 Pro thermal monoculars in the United States.
Mossberg, America’s oldest family-owned and operated firearms manufacturer, is pleased to announce their “MC2 Free Holster” promotion. This limited time offer is for qualifying purchases on any MC2sc® and MC2c® 9mm pistols made between 7/6/2022 and 12/31/2022. Consumers will receive a Black Arch™ Rev-Con™ holster, valued at $54.95. Redemptions must be postmarked or submitted online direct to Mossberg by 1/31/2023.
Mossberg, America’s oldest family-owned and operated firearms manufacturer, is pleased to announce their “MC2 Free Holster” promotion. This limited time offer is for qualifying purchases on any MC2sc® and MC2c® 9mm pistols made between 7/6/2022 and 12/31/2022. Consumers will receive a Black Arch™ Rev-Con™ holster, valued at $54.95. Redemptions must be postmarked or submitted online direct to Mossberg by 1/31/2023.
When you mention “Vortex” to your customers they’ll immediately think “high-performance optics” – they’d be right, however the company has another string to its bow, in the form of a rapidly expanding apparel line. Its new Spring/Summer collection is set to be a must-stock range, as Gun Trade World discovers
Streamlight Inc., a leading provider of high-performance lighting and weapon light/laser sighting devices, has introduced a fresh tactical light which is sure to excite retailers across the globe.
German optic experts, German Precision Optics (GPO) is already experiencing high sales of its light and compact Rangeguide rangefinders, Gun Trade World discovers the key characteristics of the series.
The inexpensive .22 long rifle is a cartridge with manifold applications; precision target shooting, plinking, small game hunting and when pressed into service: self-defense. The .22LR, and the variety of firearms that it services, was the inspiration that drove the engineering team at Ek Archery Research to reimagine the crossbow pistol as a product of diverse functionality.
Savage Arms is pleased to announce a partnership with the National Deer Association (NDA). As an official NDA partner, Savage will support the organization in its ongoing efforts to ensure the conservation and preservation of wild deer, wildlife habitat, and hunting traditions.
Blackout Defense has executed a licensing agreement with Dead Air Silencers, permitting Blackout Defense to manufacture devices with Dead Air’s KeyMo and Xeno mounting systems.
Innovative Swedish company EasyHit has been helping shotgun users shoot faster and more accurately for years, Gun Trade World looks at why this simple idea is a win-win for the end user and the trade.